Saturday, December 18, 2010

Extended Blog Hop!


I just heard from our fearless leader Gracie, that our blog hop is being extended until midnight on Sunday! (December 19, 2010).

Keep on hopping!!! I am thoroughly enjoying all your comments, and compliments on my work, and I'm looking forward to stopping by all your sites as well!

Two posts down you'll see the directions, and link to the next stop on the hop!

Your comments are always appreciated!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.


Unknown said...

Great! Now I get to finish up hopping when I get home from shopping:)


sdw112 said...

Just signed up as a follower from the Blog Hop! Great site! Thank you!

Groovy Deborah said...

I'm so glad! I started out last night and kept running into blog traffic, lol!

MaryNSC said...

Yea I get to come in behind My RAY OF SUNSHINE Ms GROOVy her self..LOLOL
I am off and Hopping I love these things..
Thanks for the work u do..Now I am off to go see your Pretties..:O)
I learn so much doing these..

Cheryl said...

I have signed up to follow your blog! This is all new to me and I am very excited cause I need cricutology 101!We'll gotta hop to the next stop!


Tara said...

I'm a new follower.....

Hi, I am Karen Driscoll said...

Hi Just found the blog, and became a follower, Karen

Randomly, Jennifer said...

I'm a follower and very happy the hop was extended because I couldn't get through them all in the timeframe I had. :)THANKS!