He's not violent, but he does like to yell sometimes about it.
Imagine my complete shock when he REQUESTED.... yes, there it is again, requested a checkbook cover after he saw the one I made for my dad!
He's got a good collection of cowboy boots since he dresses western style most of the time, and he did find me when I was living in Texas!!!
Here's the checkbook cover I made for him.
**and a closeup of the front.
Your comments are always appreciated!
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A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.
how awesome he asked you to do that! it looks great too!!
that looks nice!!My husband doesn't get it either, but he has asked me to make things for him too!
LOVE this! It is awesome. Is there some way you could share how you made these with us?
That's really cool. Glad he requested something from you that required your creativity. He might not still 'get it' (my hubby doesn't but knows it brings me great joy and satisfacton) but he'll appreciate your talent more. tfs.
sue...these are the cutest boots in a checkbook, :P
he can't complain anymore, lol.
it is time for my hubby take the checkbook out too,;p
LOL!!! He sounds like my hubby, except mine's from Indiana not Texas. He fuss and hollers and carries on about my stamping (retired SU demo), paper and Cricut obsession. Then drives me (although I can drive myself) to Michael's or JoAnn's in case I need one of those "things" that are on sale. ROFL!!!! And yes, I do make cards and such for his family back in Indiana. Hubby's - got to love 'em. The checkbook cover is great. I just discovered your blog, it's great, thanks for all the great ideas.
It sure sounds like our husbands are cut from the same cloth, doesn't it??
Mine grumbles, but will even walk into the Michael's and Hobby Lobby with me.
Just have to shake our heads, I guess... and love 'em!!
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