OH YES, I am!! I was never a napper as a child, driving my mother crazy... but I discovered wonderful naps in college!!!!! Up all night, classes early... what's better than a nap in the afternoon before dinner? During college, I learned to get those naps in anytime, anyplace, anywhere. I, even now, will catch a nap while waiting for kids after school.... laugh all you want at me sleeping in my truck.... I'm off in a very happy dreamland! :)
2. What was your favorite subject in school? Most hated?
I would have to say my very favorite subject in high school was.... accounting! I could work on those projects FOREVER!!! I also loved Chemistry class... it was pretty easy, and I considered a job in that field for a time. I also liked my history classes a lot too.
Hated?? As always... MATH! (Doesn't make sense with the accounting and chem, but that's the way the ball bounces!)
3. Did you have the something old new borrowed and blue at your wedding?
What were they? Yes!!! I did. Something old: I used my mother's white bible she had at her wedding. Something new: I had a new garter, and it was blue. Something borrowed: I borrowed mom's diamond earrings for the day... and the bible! :)
4. What one thing are you determined to do this summer?
Get to Texas someway, somehow.
5. Ice cream or Popsicles?
Mom's Chocolate fudge pudding pops! Pop-sickles for me!! I still make them in some super cute molds I bought years ago at Williams-Sonoma.
Your comments are always appreciated!
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