First, I want it to look pretty, but I need things to be visible (or I forget about them) and 'each in his own place.'
On top of my stickles storage that Dad made for me are some cute ceramic flower pots I got on a huge sale at M's in the fall. They're handy for the Cuttlebug strip folders, my watercolor pens, a perch for my signature stamp, etc. etc.
Here is the stickles box Dad made. The top shelf holds all the colors with extra spaces I use for my Glitz stickles which sit in the back. The bottom shelf holds all my 'extras'... I stock up during August when the Scrapbook show is in town. I found the rose pulls at Lowe's, and Dad figured out a way to fit them on. Each 'drawer' pulls out so access to the colors is easy.
Here you can see the top drawer pulled out - which color do you need?
I have to tell you all about my Color Caddy from Stampin' Up. I got it on a killer deal from ebay! I'd been bidding on one for about 2 months, and all of a sudden, I got it for $35! I'm still very happy about this! I needed a better storage solution than the carrying cases I was using, and WHAT a deal!!! It's usually about $80 including all the taxes, shipping, etc. with the extensions. I love it!

Here are two tins I bought at Hobby Lobby and store my Cuttlebug folders in ABC order.
Here you can see one of them open. I store the new 5 x 7 size separately, but the A2's fit PERFECTLY in these tins.
Here is how I store my Cricut Carts. I use the Plano tackle storage. I've separated the carts by fonts, Disney/Solutions, and Shapes I and Shapes II to keep them all organzied. I write my name at the base, and the 2 (or more) letter codes we use on the Messageboard. For example: The Walk In My Garden cartridge, which I use very often is marked WIMG at the top so I can find them easier.
Since I'm now storing these in a darker location than a table-top I was using at the other house, I marked them darker on the side so finding what I wanted was easier. Here are my 4 filled containers for my carts... I have one waiting in case I need it!! :)
This is the system I use to store my booklets and overlays. I have a post showing a link to the directions to make these little folders. LINK
I have them also separated by fonts, and then all the remaining carts are in these folders in 2 other bins and 1 other photo box. The photo boxes fit the cart folders perfectly!
I'll be back soon with more pictures of the entire room itself, but I wanted to show some of my storage pieces. Dad really did an awesome job on the Stickles box!!! It was exactly what I needed.
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A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.
A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click on over to see what we are doing.